/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * Copyright (C) 2004 TAM (Teppei Tamra) * Copyright (C) 2004 Hiroyuki Ikezoe * Copyright (C) 2004 Takuro Ashie * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* * Based on scim-hangul. * Copyright (c) 2004 James Su <suzhe@turbolinux.com.cn> */ #define Uses_SCIM_CONFIG_BASE #include <gtk/gtk.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <dlfcn.h> #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <scim.h> #include <gtk/scimkeyselection.h> #include "honoka_def.h" #include "../plugins/honoka_plugin_def.h" #ifdef HAVE_GETTEXT #include <libintl.h> #define _(String) dgettext(GETTEXT_PACKAGE,String) #define N_(String) (String) #else #define _(String) (String) #define N_(String) (String) #define bindtextdomain(Package,Directory) #define textdomain(domain) #define bind_textdomain_codeset(domain,codeset) #endif using namespace scim; #define scim_module_init honoka_imengine_setup_LTX_scim_module_init #define scim_module_exit honoka_imengine_setup_LTX_scim_module_exit #define scim_setup_module_create_ui honoka_imengine_setup_LTX_scim_setup_module_create_ui #define scim_setup_module_get_category honoka_imengine_setup_LTX_scim_setup_module_get_category #define scim_setup_module_get_name honoka_imengine_setup_LTX_scim_setup_module_get_name #define scim_setup_module_get_description honoka_imengine_setup_LTX_scim_setup_module_get_description #define scim_setup_module_load_config honoka_imengine_setup_LTX_scim_setup_module_load_config #define scim_setup_module_save_config honoka_imengine_setup_LTX_scim_setup_module_save_config #define scim_setup_module_query_changed honoka_imengine_setup_LTX_scim_setup_module_query_changed #include <honokasetupgtk.h> #include <honokapluginbase.h> typedef HonokaSetupCorePage *pluginSetupFunc(); typedef int getPluginVersionFunc(); static GtkWidget * create_setup_window (); static void load_config (const ConfigPointer &config); static void save_config (const ConfigPointer &config); static bool query_changed (); static HonokaSetupGtk * setup; // Module Interface. extern "C" { void scim_module_init (void) { bindtextdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, HONOKA_LOCALEDIR); bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); } void scim_module_exit (void) { } GtkWidget * scim_setup_module_create_ui (void) { return create_setup_window (); } String scim_setup_module_get_category (void) { return String ("IMEngine"); } String scim_setup_module_get_name (void) { return String (_("Honoka")); } String scim_setup_module_get_description (void) { return String (_("A Honoka IMEngine Module.")); } void scim_setup_module_load_config (const ConfigPointer &config) { load_config (config); } void scim_setup_module_save_config (const ConfigPointer &config) { save_config (config); } bool scim_setup_module_query_changed () { return query_changed (); } } // extern "C" static GtkWidget * create_setup_window () { setup = new HonokaSetup("setup","",""); HonokaSetupPage *page; vector<String> l; // // general setting // page = new HonokaSetupPage(_("general setting"),"",""); page->append(new HonokaSetupIntItem( _("_Auto candidates popup: "), HONOKA_CONFIG_ALP, _("set the count of conversion until displaying the list of lookup result automatically."), HONOKA_DEFAULT_ALP, -1,10 )); page->append(new HonokaSetupBoolItem( _("Auto _conversion: "), HONOKA_CONFIG_AUTO_CONVERSION, _("If you set default to the auto conversion mode use, check this."), HONOKA_DEFAULT_AUTO_CONVERSION )); page->append(new HonokaSetupBoolItem( _("_NumKey selection: "), HONOKA_CONFIG_NUMKEY_SELECT, _("If you use the candidate selection by numkey, check this."), HONOKA_DEFAULT_NUMKEY_SELECT )); page->append(new HonokaSetupBoolItem( _("use _Prediction: "), HONOKA_CONFIG_PREDICTION, _("If you use the prediction, check this."), HONOKA_DEFAULT_PREDICTION )); page->append(new HonokaSetupEntryItem( _("Default _PreEditor: "), HONOKA_CONFIG_DEFAULT_PREEDITOR, _("select the default preeditor."), HONOKA_DEFAULT_DEFAULT_PREEDITOR )); page->append(new HonokaSetupEntryItem( _("Default _Convertor: "), HONOKA_CONFIG_DEFAULT_CONVERTOR, _("select the default Convertor."), HONOKA_DEFAULT_DEFAULT_CONVERTOR )); page->append(new HonokaSetupEntryItem( _("Default _Predictor: "), HONOKA_CONFIG_DEFAULT_PREDICTOR, _("select the default predictor."), HONOKA_DEFAULT_DEFAULT_PREDICTOR )); setup->append(page); // // key setting // HonokaSetup * keys = new HonokaSetup(_("key setting"),"",""); page = new HonokaSetupPage(_("Common keys"),"",""); page->append(new HonokaSetupKeyItem( _("Commit keys:"), HONOKA_CONFIG_KEY_COMMIT, _("The key events to commit the preedit string. "), HONOKA_DEFAULT_KEY_COMMIT )); page->append(new HonokaSetupKeyItem( _("Convert keys:"), HONOKA_CONFIG_KEY_CONVERSION_START, _("The key events to convert the preedit string to kanji. "), HONOKA_DEFAULT_KEY_CONVERSION_START )); page->append(new HonokaSetupKeyItem( _("Cancel keys:"), HONOKA_CONFIG_KEY_CANCEL, _("The key events to cancel preediting or converting. "), HONOKA_DEFAULT_KEY_CANCEL )); page->append(new HonokaSetupKeyItem( _("Backspace keys:"), HONOKA_CONFIG_KEY_BACKSPACE, _("The key events to delete a character before caret. "), HONOKA_DEFAULT_KEY_BACKSPACE )); page->append(new HonokaSetupKeyItem( _("Delete keys:"), HONOKA_CONFIG_KEY_DELETE, _("The key events to delete a character after caret. "), HONOKA_DEFAULT_KEY_DELETE )); keys->append(page); page = new HonokaSetupPage(_("Preedit keys"),"",""); page->append(new HonokaSetupKeyItem( _("Move forward keys:"), HONOKA_CONFIG_KEY_FORWARD, _("The key events to move the caret to forward. "), HONOKA_DEFAULT_KEY_FORWARD )); page->append(new HonokaSetupKeyItem( _("Move backward keys:"), HONOKA_CONFIG_KEY_BACKWARD, _("The key events to move the caret to backward. "), HONOKA_DEFAULT_KEY_BACKWARD )); keys->append(page); page = new HonokaSetupPage(_("Segment keys"),"",""); page->append(new HonokaSetupKeyItem( _("Next segment keys:"), HONOKA_CONFIG_KEY_CONVERSION_FORWARD, _("The key events to select next segment. "), HONOKA_DEFAULT_KEY_CONVERSION_FORWARD )); page->append(new HonokaSetupKeyItem( _("Previous segment keys:"), HONOKA_CONFIG_KEY_CONVERSION_BACKWARD, _("The key events to select previous segment. "), HONOKA_DEFAULT_KEY_CONVERSION_BACKWARD )); page->append(new HonokaSetupKeyItem( _("Shrink segment keys:"), HONOKA_CONFIG_KEY_CONVERSION_SHRINK, _("The key events to shrink the selected segment. "), HONOKA_DEFAULT_KEY_CONVERSION_SHRINK )); page->append(new HonokaSetupKeyItem( _("Expand segment keys:"), HONOKA_CONFIG_KEY_CONVERSION_EXPAND, _("The key events to expand the selected segment. "), HONOKA_DEFAULT_KEY_CONVERSION_EXPAND )); keys->append(page); page = new HonokaSetupPage(_("Candidates keys"),"",""); page->append(new HonokaSetupKeyItem( _("Next keys:"), HONOKA_CONFIG_KEY_CONVERSION_NEXT, _("The key events to select next candidate. "), HONOKA_DEFAULT_KEY_CONVERSION_NEXT )); page->append(new HonokaSetupKeyItem( _("Previous keys:"), HONOKA_CONFIG_KEY_CONVERSION_PREV, _("The key events to select previous candidate. "), HONOKA_DEFAULT_KEY_CONVERSION_PREV )); page->append(new HonokaSetupKeyItem( _("candidates list keys:"), HONOKA_CONFIG_KEY_LOOKUPPOPUP, _("The key events to popup candidates list. "), HONOKA_DEFAULT_KEY_LOOKUPPOPUP )); page->append(new HonokaSetupKeyItem( _("Page up keys:"), HONOKA_CONFIG_KEY_LOOKUPPAGEUP, _("The key events to select page up candidates. "), HONOKA_DEFAULT_KEY_LOOKUPPAGEUP )); page->append(new HonokaSetupKeyItem( _("Page down keys:"), HONOKA_CONFIG_KEY_LOOKUPPAGEDOWN, _("The key events to select page down candidates. "), HONOKA_DEFAULT_KEY_LOOKUPPAGEDOWN )); keys->append(page); page = new HonokaSetupPage(_("Other function keys"),"",""); page->append(new HonokaSetupKeyItem( _("auto conversion mode keys:"), HONOKA_CONFIG_KEY_AUTO_CONVERSION, _("The key events to change auto conversion mode. "), HONOKA_DEFAULT_KEY_AUTO_CONVERSION )); page->append(new HonokaSetupKeyItem( _("Prediction keys:"), HONOKA_CONFIG_KEY_SELECT_PREDICTION, _("The key events to select from prediction list. "), HONOKA_DEFAULT_KEY_SELECT_PREDICTION )); page->append(new HonokaSetupKeyItem( _("Convert to HIRAGANA keys:"), HONOKA_CONFIG_KEY_CONVERT_HIRAGANA, _("The key events to convert the selected candidate or the preedit string to HIRAGANA. "), HONOKA_DEFAULT_KEY_CONVERT_HIRAGANA )); page->append(new HonokaSetupKeyItem( _("Convert to KATAKANA keys:"), HONOKA_CONFIG_KEY_CONVERT_KATAKANA, _("The key events to convert the selected candidate or the preedit string to KATAKANA. "), HONOKA_DEFAULT_KEY_CONVERT_KATAKANA )); page->append(new HonokaSetupKeyItem( _("Convert to WIDE keys:"), HONOKA_CONFIG_KEY_CONVERT_WIDE, _("The key events to convert the selected candidate or the preedit string to WIDE-charactors. "), HONOKA_DEFAULT_KEY_CONVERT_WIDE )); page->append(new HonokaSetupKeyItem( _("Convert to HALF keys:"), HONOKA_CONFIG_KEY_CONVERT_HALF, _("The key events to convert the selected candidate or the preedit string to HALF-charactors. "), HONOKA_DEFAULT_KEY_CONVERT_HALF )); page->append(new HonokaSetupKeyItem( _("Convert to ikeiji keys:"), HONOKA_CONFIG_KEY_CONVERSION_IKEIJI, _("The key events to convert the selected candidate to ikei-kanji. "), HONOKA_DEFAULT_KEY_CONVERSION_IKEIJI )); page->append(new HonokaSetupKeyItem( _("Convert to rensou keys:"), HONOKA_CONFIG_KEY_CONVERSION_RENSOU, _("The key events to convert the selected candidate to the associated acceptation string. "), HONOKA_DEFAULT_KEY_CONVERSION_RENSOU )); keys->append(page); setup->append(keys); // // plugins setting // HonokaSetup * plugins = new HonokaSetup(_("plugins setting"),"",""); //// DIR *dir = opendir(HONOKA_PLUGINDIR); if (dir) { struct dirent *entry; while((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { String d = entry->d_name; if ((d.substr(0,6) == "plugin") && (d.substr(d.length() - 3,3) == ".so")) { String pluginName = d.substr(0,d.length() - 3); d = String(HONOKA_PLUGINDIR) + "/" + d; void* plugin = dlopen(d.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY); if (!plugin) continue; pluginSetupFunc *pluginSetup = (pluginSetupFunc *)dlsym(plugin,"HonokaPluginSetup"); getPluginVersionFunc *getPluginVersion = (getPluginVersionFunc *)dlsym(plugin,"getHonokaPluginVersion"); if ((!pluginSetup) || (!getPluginVersion)) { dlclose(plugin); continue; } if (getPluginVersion() == HONOKA_PLUGIN_VERSION) { HonokaSetupCorePage *p = pluginSetup(); // "if you use this plugin, check this." ---- HonokaSetupGtkPage *page = new HonokaSetupGtkPage(p->getLabel(),p->getName(),p->getTip()); page->append(new HonokaSetupBoolItem( _("_Use this plugin: "), String(HONOKA_CONFIG_PLUGINLOADER_PREFIX) + pluginName, _("if you use this plugin, check this."), true )); for(unsigned int i = 0;i < p->getChildren().size();i ++) { page->append(HonokaSetup::HonokaSetupCoreToGtk(p->getChildren()[i])); } plugins->append(page); //plugin->append(p); } dlclose(plugin); } } } //// setup->append(plugins); return setup->getValueWidget(); }; static void load_config (const ConfigPointer &config) { if (!config.null()) { setup->readConfig(config); HonokaSetup::changed = false; } } static void save_config (const ConfigPointer &config) { if (!config.null()) { setup->saveConfig(config); HonokaSetup::changed = false; } } static bool query_changed () { return HonokaSetup::changed; }