/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004 by TAM(Teppei Tamra) * * tam-t@par.odn.ne.jp * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "romkan.h" #include "honoka_plugin_def.h" #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif // 国際化のおまじない。 #ifdef HAVE_GETTEXT #include <libintl.h> #define _(String) dgettext(GETTEXT_PACKAGE,String) #define N_(String) (String) #else #define _(String) (String) #define N_(String) (String) #define bindtextdomain(Package,Directory) #define textdomain(domain) #define bind_textdomain_codeset(domain,codeset) #endif // プライグイン化のおまじないです。 HonokaPluginRegister(Romkan); Romkan::Romkan(ConfigPointer cfg) : PreEditor(cfg) { reset(); iconvert.set_encoding ("EUC-JP"); mode = ROMA; init(); } Romkan::~Romkan() { } /*! \fn Romkan::loadTable(const String &filename, bool inc) */ void Romkan::loadTable(const String &filename, bool inc) { FILE *f = fopen(filename.c_str(),"r"); if (!f) { #ifdef HONOKA_DATADIR String fn = HONOKA_DATADIR; fn += "/" + filename; f = fopen(fn.c_str(),"r"); if (!f) return; #else return; #endif } while(-1) { char s[256]; if(fgets(s,256,f) == NULL) break; String k,r; unsigned int i = 0; bool ex = false; for(;s[i];i ++) { if (s[i] == ' ') { if (k.size()) break; else continue; } if (s[i] == '\n') break; if ((s[i] == '!') || (s[i] == '$') ||(s[i] == '%')) { if (!k.size()) ex = true; } if (s[i] == '#') break; if ((s[i] == '\\') && (s[i + 1] != 0)) { i ++; } k += s[i]; } if ((!k.size()) || (s[i] == '#')) continue; if (s[i] != 0) { i ++; for(;s[i];i ++) { if ((s[i] == '#') || (s[i] == '\n')) break; if (s[i] == ' ') { if (r.size()) break; else continue; } if ((s[i] == '\\') && (s[i + 1] != 0)) { i ++; } r += s[i]; } } if (ex && (k[0] == '%')) { loadTable(k.substr(1),true); continue; } if ((k[0] == '$') && (!inc) && ex) { tableConfig.insert(pair<String,String>(k.substr(1),r)); continue; } if ((k[0] == '!') && (!inc) && ex) { RomkanKeyEventList kev; scim_string_to_key_list(kev,k.substr(1)); kev.p = utf8_mbstowcs(r); hookKey.push_back(kev); continue; } if (!r.size()) continue; RomkanTable.insert(pair<String,WideString>(k,utf8_mbstowcs(r))); for(unsigned int j = k.length();j > 1;j --) { String keep = k.substr(0,j - 1); if ((keepTable.find(keep) == keepTable.end()) && (RomkanTable.find(keep) == RomkanTable.end())) { keepTable.insert(keep); } } } fclose(f); } /*! \fn Romkan::string2bool(const String &s) */ bool Romkan::string2bool(const String &s) { if ((s == "FALSE") || (s == "false") || (s == "False") || (s == "0") || (!s.size())) return false; else return true; } /*! \fn Romkan::init() */ void Romkan::init() { RomkanTable.clear(); keepTable.clear(); tableConfig.clear(); String rk_table = config->read(HONOKA_CONFIG_ROMKAN_TABLE_FILE,String(HONOKA_DEFAULT_ROMKAN_TABLE_FILE)); if (rk_table.size()) { loadTable(rk_table); } if (tableConfig.find("nnMode") != tableConfig.end()) nnMode = string2bool(tableConfig["nnMode"]); else nnMode = false; if (tableConfig.find("nProc") != tableConfig.end()) nProc = string2bool(tableConfig["nProc"]); else nProc = true; if (tableConfig.find("xtProc") != tableConfig.end()) nProc = string2bool(tableConfig["xtProc"]); else xtProc = true; if (tableConfig.find("AsciiModeCancel") != tableConfig.end()) asciiCancel = string2bool(tableConfig["AsciiModeCancel"]); else asciiCancel = true; if (tableConfig.find("RemoveRemainder") != tableConfig.end()) removeRemainder = string2bool(tableConfig["RemoveRemainder"]); else removeRemainder = false; if (tableConfig.find("Key/Ascii") != tableConfig.end()) scim_string_to_key_list(key_ascii_mode,tableConfig["Key/Ascii"]); if (tableConfig.find("Key/WideAscii") != tableConfig.end()) scim_string_to_key_list(key_wascii_mode,tableConfig["Key/WideAscii"]); if (tableConfig.find("Key/ToggleHalfOrWide") != tableConfig.end()) scim_string_to_key_list(key_toggle_hw,tableConfig["Key/ToggleHalfOrWide"]); if (tableConfig.find("Key/ToggleHiraOrKata") != tableConfig.end()) scim_string_to_key_list(key_toggle_hk,tableConfig["Key/ToggleHiraOrKata"]); if (tableConfig.find("Hook") != tableConfig.end()) hookp = tableConfig["Hook"]; else hookp = ""; } /*! \fn Romkan::setPos(int p) */ void Romkan::setPos(int p) { if (p < 0) p = 0; else if (p > getTextLength()) p = getTextLength(); pos = p; buf.clear(); rmChars.clear(); } /*! \fn Romkan::clear() */ void Romkan::clear() { text.clear(); buf.clear(); rmChars.clear(); } /*! \fn Romkan::insert(char k) */ WideString Romkan::insert(char k) { String s; s = k; if (k == 0) return text; switch(mode) { case ASCII: { buf.clear(); rmChars.clear(); text = text.substr(0,pos) + utf8_mbstowcs(s) + text.substr(pos); pos ++; return text; break; } case WASCII: { buf.clear(); rmChars.clear(); WideString w = utf8_mbstowcs(s); convHanZen(w,pos); text = text.substr(0,pos) + w + text.substr(pos); pos ++; return text; break; } case ROMA: { buf += s; text = text.substr(0,pos) + utf8_mbstowcs(s) + text.substr(pos); pos ++; return eval(); break; } case KROMA: { buf += s; text = text.substr(0,pos) + utf8_mbstowcs(s) + text.substr(pos); pos ++; return eval(); break; } case HROMA: { buf += s; text = text.substr(0,pos) + utf8_mbstowcs(s) + text.substr(pos); pos ++; return eval(); break; } } return text; } /*! \fn Romkan::eval() */ WideString Romkan::eval() { // エヴァる。 if (buf.length() == 2) { // n+母音以外は「ん」+子音である // ただし、nyは除外である。 if (nProc && (buf[0] == 'n')) { String b = "aiueoy"; if (nnMode) b += "n"; bool boin = false; for(unsigned int i = 0;i < b.length();i ++) { if (buf[1] == b[i]) boin = true; } if (!boin) { WideString r; r += convChars[KANA_N]; if (mode == HROMA) convZenHan(r,0); else if (mode == KROMA) convHiraKata(r); text = text.substr(0,pos - 2) + r + text.substr(pos - 1); buf = buf.substr(buf.length() - 1,1); rmChars.clear(); } } // 同じ文字が2文字続くとそれは「っ」+子音である。母音の連打がbufに残ってはいないはず。 else if (xtProc && (buf[0] == buf[1])) { WideString r; r += convChars[KANA_XTU]; if (mode == HROMA) convZenHan(r,0); else if (mode == KROMA) convHiraKata(r); text = text.substr(0,pos - 2) + r + text.substr(pos - 1); buf = buf.substr(buf.length() - 1,1); rmChars.clear(); return text; } } // 保留テーブルを検索する。 if (keepTable.find(buf) != keepTable.end()) return text; // テーブルを検索して入力する。 map<String,WideString>::iterator it = RomkanTable.find(buf); if (it != RomkanTable.end()) { WideString r; r += it->second; if (mode == HROMA) convZenHan(r,0); else if (mode == KROMA) convHiraKata(r); text = text.substr(0,pos - buf.length()) + r + text.substr(pos); pos = pos - buf.length() + r.length(); buf.clear(); rmChars.clear(); return text; } if (buf.length()) { if (removeRemainder) { text = text.substr(0,pos - buf.length()) + text.substr(pos - buf.length() + 1); pos --; } rmChars = rmChars + buf.substr(0,1); buf = buf.substr(1); return eval(); } return text; } /*! \fn Romkan::reset() */ void Romkan::reset() { clear(); pos = 0; mode = ROMA; } /*! \fn PreEditor::setText(const WideString &t) */ void Romkan::setText(const WideString &t) { text = t; buf.clear(); rmChars.clear(); } /*! \fn Romkan::getText(bool hosei) */ WideString Romkan::getText(bool hosei) { if (hosei) { if (buf.length()) { if (removeRemainder) { text = text.substr(0,pos - buf.length()) + text.substr(pos); pos -= buf.length(); if (buf.substr(buf.length() - 1,1) == "n") { WideString r; r += convChars[KANA_N]; if (mode == HROMA) convZenHan(r,0); else if (mode ==KROMA) convHiraKata(r); text = text.substr(0,pos) + r + text.substr(pos); pos ++; } } else if (buf.substr(buf.length() - 1,1) == "n") { WideString r; r += convChars[KANA_N]; if (mode == HROMA) convZenHan(r,0); else if (mode ==KROMA) convHiraKata(r); text = text.substr(0,pos - 1) + r + text.substr(pos); } } } return text; } /*! \fn Romkan::backspace() */ void Romkan::backspace() { if (getPos() == 0) return; text = text.substr(0,pos - 1) + text.substr(pos); pos --; // BSは小バッファもBSするゾ。 if (buf.length()) buf = buf.substr(0,buf.length() - 1); // BS時にバッファの頭1文字を復帰。 // その一文字がシングルバイトでなかった場合は破棄。 if (pos && (!removeRemainder) && rmChars.size()) { /* while((pos - buf.size()) > 0) { String s = utf8_wcstombs(text.substr(pos - (buf.length() + 1),1)); if (s.length() == 1) { buf = s + buf; } else break; }*/ buf = rmChars + buf; rmChars.clear(); eval(); return; } } /*! \fn Romkan::del() */ void Romkan::del() { if (getPos() == getTextLength()) return; text = text.substr(0,pos) + text.substr(pos + 1); } /*! \fn Romkan::hiraKata() */ void Romkan::hiraKata() { convHiraKata(text); } /*! \fn Romkan::kataHira() */ void Romkan::kataHira() { convKataHira(text); } /*! \fn Romkan::toHalf() */ void Romkan::toHalf() { setPos(convZenHan(text,getPos())); buf.clear(); rmChars.clear(); } /*! \fn Romkan::toWide() */ void Romkan::toWide() { setPos(convHanZen(text,getPos())); buf.clear(); rmChars.clear(); } /*! \fn Romkan::keyEventHook(const KeyEvent &key) */ bool Romkan::keyEventHook(const KeyEvent &key) { if (key_toggle_hw.comp(key)) { switch (mode) { case ASCII: { mode = WASCII; break; } case WASCII: { mode = ASCII; break; } case ROMA: { mode = HROMA; break; } case HROMA: { mode = ROMA; break; } } return true; } if (key_toggle_hk.comp(key)) { if (mode == ROMA) mode = KROMA; else if (mode == KROMA) mode = ROMA; return true; } if ((isprint(key.code)) && ((mode == ASCII) || (mode == WASCII))) { if ((!key.is_alt_down()) && (!key.is_control_down())) { insert(key.get_ascii_code()); return true; } } for(vector<RomkanKeyEventList>::iterator it = hookKey.begin();it != hookKey.end();it ++) { if (it->comp(key)) { text = text.substr(0,pos) + it->p + text.substr(pos); pos += it->p.length(); return true; } } if ((buf.length() < hookp.length()) || (!hookp.length())) return false; else if (buf.substr(0,hookp.length()) == hookp) { return inputEvent(key); } return false; } /*! \fn Romkan::getModeName() */ String Romkan::getModeName() { switch(mode) { case ROMA: { return String(_("Roma-Kana")); break; } case KROMA: { return String(_("Roma-Katakana")); break; } case HROMA: { return String(_("Half Roma-Kana")); break; } case ASCII: { return String(_("Ascii")); break; } case WASCII: { return String(_("Wide Ascii")); break; } } } /*! \fn Romkan::cancelEvent() */ bool Romkan::cancelEvent() { if (((mode == ASCII) || (mode == WASCII)) && (asciiCancel)) { mode = ROMA; return true; } return false; } /*! \fn Romkan::inputEvent(const KeyEvent &key) */ bool Romkan::inputEvent(const KeyEvent &key) { // 喰っておくべきもの。 if ((key.code == SCIM_KEY_Shift_L) || (key.code == SCIM_KEY_Shift_R) || (key.code == SCIM_KEY_Control_L) || (key.code == SCIM_KEY_Control_R) || (key.code == SCIM_KEY_Alt_L) || (key.code == SCIM_KEY_Alt_R) || (key.code == SCIM_KEY_Super_L) || (key.code == SCIM_KEY_Super_R) || (key.code == SCIM_KEY_Hyper_L) || (key.code == SCIM_KEY_Hyper_R)) return true; if (key_ascii_mode.comp(key)) { mode = ASCII; return true; } if (key_wascii_mode.comp(key)) { mode = WASCII; return true; } if (key.get_ascii_code() && (!key.is_alt_down()) && (!key.is_control_down())) { if ((key.get_ascii_code() == ' ') && (!getTextLength())) return false; // 素直に返すべきもの if ((key.code == SCIM_KEY_Return) || (key.code == SCIM_KEY_Linefeed) || (key.code == SCIM_KEY_Tab)) return false; insert(key.get_ascii_code()); return true; } return false; } /*! \fn Romkan::getName() */ String Romkan::getName() { return String("Romkan"); } /*! \fn Romkan::getPropertyName() */ String Romkan::getPropertyName() { return String(_("Roma")); } /*! \fn Romkan::getAttributeList() */ AttributeList Romkan::getAttributeList() { AttributeList l; if (buf.length()) { Attribute a(pos - buf.length(),buf.length(),SCIM_ATTR_FOREGROUND,SCIM_RGB_COLOR(255,0,0)); l.push_back(a); } return l; }